GeoWave Installation Guide

Standalone Installers

In order to make installation of the GeoWave Command-Line Interface (CLI) as simple as possible, installers are provided for Windows, Mac, and Linux.


These installers allow you to customize your GeoWave installation by including or excluding support for various utilities, data stores, third party services, analytics, and ingest formats. If you aren’t sure which of these to include in your installation, we recommend keeping them all to avoid any confusion later on. The Mac and Windows installers provide a graphical user interface that walks the user through the installation process. The Linux installer should be run from the command-line.

Add to Path

On Mac and Linux platforms, an additional step is required after the installation has completed. By default, GeoWave will not be available on the command line until the application directory has been added to the PATH environment variable. This is handled automatically by the installer for Windows installations.


GeoWave can be permanently added to the PATH environment variable on Mac systems by appending it to the .bash_profile file in the user’s home directory:

$ echo "export PATH=/Applications/GeoWave:\$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
If GeoWave was installed under a different directory, use the installed directory instead of /Applications/GeoWave in the above command.

After entering this command, restart the Terminal for the changes to take effect.


Similar to the Mac, GeoWave can be permanently added to the PATH environment variable on Linux systems by appending it to the .bashrc file in the user’s home directory:

echo "export PATH=~/geowave:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
The above command assumes that GeoWave was installed to the user directory. If GeoWave was installed under a different directory, use the installed directory instead of ~/geowave in the above command.

After entering this command, restart the Terminal for the changes to take effect.

Verify Installation

Once the installation has been completed, verify that the GeoWave CLI has been installed by opening up a new terminal or command prompt and issuing the geowave help command:

$ geowave help
Usage: geowave [options]
    -cf, --config-file
       Override configuration file (default is
       Verbose output
       Output Geowave build version information

      Commands to run analytics on GeoWave data sets

      Commands that affect local configuration only

      See what arguments are missing and what values will be used for GeoWave commands

    gs, geoserver
      Commands that manage geoserver data stores and layers

      Get descriptions of arguments for any GeoWave command

      Commands to manage indices

      Commands that ingest data directly into GeoWave or stage data to be ingested into GeoWave

      Operations to perform transformations on raster data in GeoWave

    stat, statistics
      Commands to manage statistics

      Commands to manage GeoWave data stores

    util, utility
      GeoWave utility commands

      Vector data operations

Installation from RPM

GeoWave provides several RPMs for installing various components on a Linux environment. This guide discusses the various artifacts that are available and how to install them. These artifacts can also be downloaded directly from the GeoWave Downloads page.


Many GeoWave artifacts are annotated with a $VENDOR as well as a $VERSION. This is because some distribution vendors have different dependency requirements. The artifact that should be downloaded is dependent on which distribution vendor is being used. Currently supported distribution vendors through GeoWave include:

Distribution Vendor Vendor Abbreviation



Apache - Accumulo 1.7




Several of the RPMs (accumulo, hbase, tools, etc.) are both GeoWave version and vendor version specific. In the examples below the $VERSION and $VENDOR tokens in the RPM name should be replaced with appropriate values. For example, geowave-$VERSION-$VENDOR-accumulo might become geowave-1.1.0-hdp2-accumulo.

  • $VERSION: Version of the GeoWave source, e.g., 1.1.0

  • $VENDOR: Distribution vendor abbreviation - from the vendors table below, e.g., apache, cdh5, hdp2.

Available RPMs

The following is a list of available RPMs and their descriptions:

Name Description


This package installs the GeoWave home directory and user account


This package installs the GeoWave documentation


This package installs the GeoWave Puppet module into /etc/puppet/modules on a Puppet Server


This package installs the Accumulo components of GeoWave


This package installs the HBase components of GeoWave


This package installs the GeoWave command-line tools (ingest, stats etc.)


This package installs the web application server


This package installs a GeoServer with the GeoWave plugin


This package installs REST services supporting all GeoWave operations


This package installs a gRPC service supporting all GeoWave operations


This package installs all the components on a single host and will likely be useful for dev environments


The source RPM file that contains definitions for all the component RPMs listed above


All of the prebuilt component JARs and other artifacts that are common to all vendors packaged into a compressed archive instead of an RPM format


All of the prebuilt component JARs and other artifacts that are vendor-specific packaged into a compressed archive instead of an RPM format


This package will install the GeoWave RPM repo config file into /etc/yum.repos.d


This package will install the GeoWave Development RPM repo config file into /etc/yum.repos.d


Using release RPMs:

# Use the GeoWave release RPM repo
rpm -Uvh

# To search for GeoWave packages for a specific distribution
yum --enablerepo=geowave search geowave-$VERSION-$VENDOR-*

# To install a specific GeoWave package on a host (probably a namenode)
yum --enablerepo=geowave install geowave-$VERSION-$VENDOR-$PACKAGE

# Update all packages for a specific vendor distribution
yum --enablerepo=geowave install geowave-$VERSION-$VENDOR-*

Using development RPMs

# Use the GeoWave development RPM repo
rpm -Uvh

# To search for GeoWave packages for a specific distribution
yum --enablerepo=geowave-dev search geowave-$VERSION-$VENDOR-*

# To install a specific GeoWave package on a host (probably a namenode)
yum --enablerepo=geowave-dev install geowave-$VERSION-$VENDOR-$PACKAGE

# Update all packages for a specific vendor distribution
yum --enablerepo=geowave-dev install geowave-$VERSION-$VENDOR-*

RPM Installation Notes

RPM names contain the version in the name so it is possible to support concurrent installations of multiple GeoWave and/or vendor versions. While only one installation directory (/usr/local/geowave-$GEOWAVE_VERSION-$VENDOR_VERSION) is linked to /usr/local/geowave (e.g., /usr/local/geowave → /usr/local/geowave-0.9.3-hdp2), there can be multiple versions installed. Only the version that is linked will be treated as the default.

View geowave-home installed and default using alternatives

alternatives --display geowave-home
geowave-home - status is auto.
 link currently points to /usr/local/geowave-0.9.3-hdp2
/usr/local/geowave-0.9.3-hdp2 - priority 90
/usr/local/geowave- - priority 89
Current `best' version is /usr/local/geowave-0.9.3-hdp2.

Accumulo and HBase Jars

The geowave-*-accumulo and geowave-*-hbase RPMs will install server-side capabilities for Accumulo and HBase by uploading the necessary artifacts into HDFS using the hadoop fs -put command. This means of deployment requires that the RPM is installed on a node that has the correct binaries and configuration in place to push files to HDFS, like your namenode. The RPM also needs to set the ownership and permissions correctly within HDFS and must be executed as a user that has superuser permissions in HDFS. This user varies by Hadoop distribution vendor. If the RPM installation fails, check the install log located at /usr/local/geowave/[hbase|accumulo]/geowave-to-hdfs.log for errors. The script can be re-run manually if there was a problem that can be corrected (e.g. the HDFS service was not started).

If a non-default user was used to install Hadoop, you can specify a user that has permissions to upload with the --user argument:

/usr/local/geowave/[hbase|accumulo]/deploy-geowave-[hbase|accumulo] --user my-hadoop-user

GeoWave HBase artifacts can also be installed to S3 if the hbase.rootdir property is set to an S3 URL.