Geometry Model
- Support for all
types defined in the OGC Simple Features for SQL specification,
- Point and MultiPoint
- LineString and MultiLineString
- Polygon and MultiPolygon
- heterogeneous GeometryCollection
Geometry Operations
- Topological validity checking
- Area and Length/Perimeter
- Distance between geometries and isWithinDistance predicate
- Spatial Predicates based on the Egenhofer DE-9IM model, including the named predicates: and the general relate operation returning the DE-9IM intersection matrix.
- Overlay functions including
- intersection,
- difference,
- union,
- symmetric difference
- unary union, providing fast union of geometry collections
Buffer computation (also known as Minkowski sum with a circle)
- selection of different end-cap and join styles.
- Convex hull
- Geometric simplification including the Douglas-Peucker algorithm and topology-preserving simplification
- Geometric densification
- Linear referencing
Precision Handling
- Explicit coordinate Precision Model
- Geometry precision reduction
Geometric Constructions
- Delaunay triangulation and Conforming Delaunay triangulation
- Voronoi diagram generation
- Minimum Diameter of a geometry
- Minimum Enclosing Rectangle
- Minimum Bounding Circle
Metric Functions
- Distance between geometries, with supporting points
- Discrete Hausdorff distance
- Area and Hausdorff similarity measures
Spatial algorithms
- Robust line segment intersection
- Efficient line arrangement intersection and noding
- Snap-rounding for noding line arrangements
- Efficient Point-in-Polygon testing
Mathematical Functions
Spatial structures
- Spatial index structures including:
- Planar graphs and graph algorithms
- WKT (Well-Known Text) reading and writing
- WKB (Well-Known Binary) reading and writing
- GML(Geography Markup Language) Version 2 reading and writing
- Java Swing/AWT Shape writing
High-Precision Arithmetic
- Robust evaluation of 2x2 double-precision determinants
- DoubleDouble extended-precision arithmetic