Module pygw.statistics.binning_strategy.numeric_range_field_value_binning_strategy

Source code
# Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation

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# ownership. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which accompanies this distribution and is
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from pygw.base.type_conversions import StringArrayType
from pygw.config import geowave_pkg
from .field_value_binning_strategy import FieldValueBinningStrategy

class NumericRangeFieldValueBinningStrategy(FieldValueBinningStrategy):
    Statistic binning strategy that bins statistic values by the numeric representation of the value of a given field.
    By default it will truncate decimal places and will bin by the integer. However, an "offset" and "interval" can be
    provided to bin numbers at any regular step-sized increment from an origin value. A statistic using this binning
    strategy can be constrained using numeric ranges (A Range can be used as a constraint).

    def __init__(self, fields=None, interval=1, offset=0, java_ref=None):
        if java_ref is None:
            java_ref =
                float(interval), float(offset), StringArrayType().to_java(fields))
        super().__init__(fields, java_ref)


class NumericRangeFieldValueBinningStrategy (fields=None, interval=1, offset=0, java_ref=None)

Statistic binning strategy that bins statistic values by the numeric representation of the value of a given field. By default it will truncate decimal places and will bin by the integer. However, an "offset" and "interval" can be provided to bin numbers at any regular step-sized increment from an origin value. A statistic using this binning strategy can be constrained using numeric ranges (A Range can be used as a constraint).

Source code
class NumericRangeFieldValueBinningStrategy(FieldValueBinningStrategy):
    Statistic binning strategy that bins statistic values by the numeric representation of the value of a given field.
    By default it will truncate decimal places and will bin by the integer. However, an "offset" and "interval" can be
    provided to bin numbers at any regular step-sized increment from an origin value. A statistic using this binning
    strategy can be constrained using numeric ranges (A Range can be used as a constraint).

    def __init__(self, fields=None, interval=1, offset=0, java_ref=None):
        if java_ref is None:
            java_ref =
                float(interval), float(offset), StringArrayType().to_java(fields))
        super().__init__(fields, java_ref)


Inherited members